104 2020
Training sessions continue at a distance / Les formations se poursuivent à distance
NumericALL's trainings continue throughout the period of confinement in Luxembourg. Hello from our sessions! Les formations de NumericALL se poursuivent pendant toute la période de confinement au Luxembourg. Bonjour de [...]
1011 2019
Fit4CodingJobs : 45 candidats certifiés développeurs-intégrateurs
Fit4Coding Jobs : 45 candidats certifiés développeurs-intégrateurs
808 2019
Alumnis visit Session 5 of Fit4CodingJobs
This Wednesaday Fabio Gonçalves Figuereido, alumni of session 3 of Fit4CodngJobs (December 2018) and full stack developer at KPMG, visited the class to share his story and work expérience since graduation. [...]
2202 2019
European Social Fund Transnational Platform “Learning & Skills”
The NumericALL team was very happy to welcome the ESF Transnational Platform at our training centre and to share the experience of Fit4CodingJobs. We were delighted for this occasion to [...]
802 2019
3112 2018