NumericALL’s trainings continue throughout the period of confinement in Luxembourg. Hello from our sessions!
Les formations de NumericALL se poursuivent pendant toute la période de confinement au Luxembourg. Bonjour de nos sesssions!
This Wednesaday Fabio Gonçalves Figuereido, alumni of session 3 of Fit4CodngJobs (December 2018) and full stack developer at KPMG, visited the class to share his story and work expérience since graduation. Fabio was joined by his superviser, team leader Farhad Sepoy, who presented the KPMG company culture and life in the tech department.
Farhad’s message highlighted the trust and support available for new hires, who are guided and supported in a continuous learning process throughout their onboarding and integration in the dev teams. An energising and inspiring message for this session approching the beginning of the final team projects.
The visit was also the chance for Fabio to catch up with his mentor from the training, Rodislav Moldovan, who joined for the occasion.
Last Friday Sam Courtois, alumni of session 1 of Fit4CodingJobs (April 2018) and full stack developer at Reborn, was joined by CTO George Jentgen, to share his experience since graduating. Learning continues for Sam, applying new and innovative technologies to the projects he is working on. George highlighted the importance of finding the right company and the right experience to get your career started as a developer, and renforced our belief that graduates have a valable are solutions for companies, who will value their skills.
Both Sam and Fabio are working with technologies not taught in Fit4CodingJobs (ASP.NET, NodeJS, React, etc), but which they were able to learn easily by transfering the knowledge they learned here (Php, MySQL, Angular, Symfony), and applying the intensive learning process acquired in the boot camp training.
NumericALL is delighted to see the reinforcement of the paradigm that gave rise to Fit4CodingJobs: the combination of a graduating developer’s learning abilities, bootcamp mindset and can-do attitude, with a strong desire to continue learning and to grow into a new career, supported and guided by experienced leaders creates the win-win opportunities for Fit4CodingJobs graduates and the companies that need their skills.
This week we were also priviled to host an exceptionnel opportunity with a workshop for the trainees of the current session delivered by Goran Dajovski, alumni of Fit4CodingJobs Session 2, and API Integration Engineer at Cap4Lab!
The NumericALL team was very happy to welcome the ESF Transnational Platform at our training centre and to share the experience of Fit4CodingJobs.
We were delighted for this occasion to share some of what we have learned throughout the Fit4Coding and Fit4CodingJobs projects.
We were also thrilled to welcome the group in our training room. A big thank you to the trainees you introduced themselves to the visiting group.
Le 12 septembre 2018, les participants de la 8e session de la formation “Fit4Coding Jobs” ont reçu leur certificat de réussite des mains de Nicolas Schmit, ministre du Travail, de l’Emploi et de l’Économie sociale et solidaire, de Brigitte Lepage, gérante de NumericALL, et d’Isabelle Schlesser, directrice de l’ADEM. Cette cérémonie, organisée au Technoport à Esch-Belval, marque le passage du seuil des 100 développeurs certifiés.
Fit4CodingJobs, financé par le ministère du Travail, de l’Emploi et de l’Économie sociale et solidaire et par le Fonds social européen, permet aux candidats sélectionnés par l’ADEM de recevoir gratuitement une formation de pointe aux langages de codage les plus utilisés aujourd’hui par les entreprises luxembourgeoises (PHP, JavaScript, Angular, HTML…) qui les rend immédiatement opérationnels sur le marché du travail.
Cette formation technique intensive, désormais dispensée en anglais, est complétée par un module “Employabilité” complet (techniques et postures vers l’emploi, mentoring, en sus des dispositifs fournis par l’ADEM). Elle rencontre un grand succès auprès des entreprises de toute nature qui recherchent des compétences pour soutenir leur croissance: plus de 80% des certifiés trouvent un emploi dans les 6 mois qui suivent la formation, et certains ont même un contrat avant la fin de la formation.
La pertinence du programme Fit4CodingJobs pour l’économie du pays est un formidable stimulus pour toutes les parties prenantes, créant l’opportunité d’insérer des personnes motivées par les perspectives du web dans des métiers d’avenir.
Le programme Fit4CodingJobs va se poursuivre jusqu’à fin 2019 au Technoport.
Communiqué par le ministère du Travail, de l’Emploi et de l’Économie sociale et solidaire/ Agence pour le développement de l’emploi (ADEM)/ NumericALL
Les quatre équipes présentent leurs applications web pour la soutenance des projets finals de la formation WebForce3 Développeur et Intégrateur Web. Tous sont légitimement fiers de leur travail pour ces projets! Bravo à tous!
We are very proud of the result of working with the Ministry of Labour, Employment and the Social and Solidarity Economy on the Skills Bridge project website.
See the work of Tamara, Michel, and Francois on the Skills Bridge Website.
Read the story of our collaboration: Fit4Coding/NumericALL alumni collaborate on Luxembourg Digital Skills Bridge website
Fit4Coding/NumericALL alumni collaborate on Luxembourg Digital Skills Bridge website
NumericALL was very pleased to welcome Delano journalist John-Paul Gomez and photographer Marion Dessard at our training facilities to discover our coding bootcamp. Read the story in Delano!